Kimyan Law belongs to the African Diaspora. The son of a Congolese father and Austrian mother, he resides in Vienna, unable to return to his homeland due to the devastating Congolese Civil War.

Born on Christmas Day 1994, Kimyan Law was a melancholic child. A lone black youth studying in all-white environments he was a victim of racism; a difficult and depressing atmosphere which led him to find respite and consolation in music. Making recordings using instruments improvised from trash he soon graduated from using wood, glass and his own voice to a mastery of drums, piano, marimba and flute, channelling his childhood difficulties into creation.

At the age of 12 he started exploring the possibilities of electronic music, experimenting with primitive looping on a PSP and then pursuing audio-engineering courses, learning so fast he rapidly started tutoring others. The last couple of years have seen Kimyan Law blossom into the artist we see before us today. Deep explorations into his African roots have led him to create complex mosaics of ancient sound with modern aesthetics. A true ‘artist’ rather than the all-too-common ‘engineer’ found in modern electronica, he constantly talks of the themes, meaning and imagery in his music, referring to his tracks as “portraits” or “pieces” and of them having “fragrances”.

Having its roots in Drum & Bass, the music flies far beyond the confines of that often-formulaic genre, expanding sonic ranges and disrupting standard arrangements. Kimyan Law incorporates African instruments and influences into his set up, achieving a rare organic and human quality amongst the cold electronics. Glittering cascades of tuned percussion are expertly weaved into layers of state-of-the-art bass and the result is a stunning, future/primitive array of romantic and cinematic music that, with its sheer humanity, seduces everyone who experiences it.

Kimyan Law - Uaminifu [ Short Film ]


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